Duo/Trio FAQ's

Does it cost more to train with a friend?

The total cost is the same as one on one personal training. It is divided evenly among the two or three clients.


Do we have to  be at the same fitness level?

It is important that the groups goals align in order for the session to be most effective.


How many times a week should I live train?

It depends on your goals. Kate usually recommends two to three sessions per week for optimal results.


Is there a meal plan included?

Kate does not tell you what to eat. However, Kate will guide and inspire you with her exclusive recipes and ideas with healthy habits to make positive changes and find a balance that works for you.

What equipment do I need?

Live training sessions are customized specifically to you and whatever equipment you already have.

How will we communicate?

By phone, text, email, FaceTime, or within the PT Distinction app—whatever is easiest and most convenient for you.

How long are workouts?

Kate will program and work with you on exercising and corrective exercises/ stretches for your body specifically. Each session is 55–60 minutes.