Client Reviews


Fit into a size 4 jean today for the first time ever!


Put on a suit that I bought last year and felt REALLY good about my body. You are amazing at what you do! Thank you!



I love that you are all about making healthier choices to live a healthier life with a healthier mindset! That helped me so much because I often viewed getting my diet right as being restrictive and dreadful.


I have really enjoyed working out with Kate! I look forward to the workouts and I feel like my kids are seeing my healthier habits as well--sometimes joining in!

Seny Client

"Holy results! If I'm being honest, I didn't think my body was changing visually that much, but I as wrong! My goals of this program was to build a strong core so I wouldn't have as much back pain. While I still have work to do I have noticed a BIG difference.

I have done a lot of programs with beach body and online insta accounts. The fact that I messaged Kate about pain and she responded with modifications, photos, and tailored videos to me spoke volumes. Not to mention she really knows her stuff. The additional videos she gave me have really made a difference in my pain level."

Amie age 32

“I had struggled with my body and weight for as long as I can remember. I didn’t realize it at the time but I was on a slow decline into bad habits. I was in this routine of working out or doing yoga then not eating the right things or cutting out carbs completely, thinking that would give me the results I hoped for. Once I didn’t see the results I wanted, I would go back to unhealthy eating. I began this journey with kate just over a year ago, I wasn’t sure what the journey was going to look like but what I did know was I was sick of not seeing any changes and was sick of being insecure in my own body. Kate cheered me on the whole way! (Even now, she still cheers me on and motivates me all the time.)I have to admit after my first 8 week challenge I was a little discouraged about my changes. I saw them but I thought it was going to be more drastic. I was use to the “quick fix” and “fad diet” routine. Kate saw the changes I was still too insecure to see myself. She encouraged me and reminded me it was a journey I was just beginning and it was a lifestyle change. She told me to keep up with the healthy habits I learned from her small group and to continue on my journey finding a balance that worked for me and my lifestyle. And just like she said, at the 12 week mark almost on the dot, I saw my body start to change. I remember working out at the gym, I was doing hammer curls and I looked in the mirror and thought “who’s arms are those!” Kate has helped me changed not only physically but mentally how I think about food and working out! And on top of it all I have become apart of this amazing group women that cheers each other on and motivates each other. Their encouragement has helped me keep going and before I knew it, a year went by and my life and lifestyle has completely changed. I not only continue to do the challenges but I enjoy the community she has built; her small group boot camps and currently her Facebook group and zoom workouts give me motivation to get up and get moving.”

Lauren age 28

“I have been with Kate since last September (2019) and cannot begin to explain how thankful I am for Kate and her programs. Not only do I get to have Kate as my trainer but I am part of the online community that she has created. Before Kate I had tried just about every "diet" or exercise program. I never stuck to them and often gave up when I didn't see results right away. This program is the first one that I have been able to look forward to my workouts and am able to view my health and eating from a different perspective with a changed mindset. There are no restrictions and yet I am down over 20 pounds since starting 7 months ago. Kate gives you the motivation you need and is right there to cheer you on each and every day. Kate continues to challenge me with her online programs, Zoom workouts and in person boot camps. I look forward to achieving more goals with Kate!”

Tina age 33

“I’ve been working with Kate for 7 months and wish I would have started sooner. I finally declared that my health, energy and time is just as important as the love, energy and time I pour into my kids lives- they NEED me and deserve the healthiest me. I’ve picked up new habits to incorporate in my busy days that is not a diet or quick fix, and that I can do ongoing with ease. I love the freedom of working out at home, instead of wasting countless minutes walking around the gym wondering what to do next... watching other people, feeling intimidated and not really knowing what to do to get the most out of my time there. I didn’t start my get healthy journey to have a “fit body”...that’s not really important to me at this stage in my life... but feeling GOOD is and I haven’t felt this GOOD in over 10 years. (And it’s only been 7 months of her programming!) I leaned on Kate and trusted the process, continue to and continue to see results every month. I can’t thank her enough!”